A growing membership base of over 50 local government councils.
Our membership base continues to grow with over 50 local government councils partnering with KAB NSW to effectively engage with our communities and inspire people to care of their local environment.
Membership with KAB NSW provides Local Government Areas (LGA’s) with an array of benefits to have big impacts in your community.
For more information, download the Membership Prospectus below.
Click here for Terms & Conditions.
Education Service Benefits
Team up with us to provide education services in your area.
Discount on EnviroMentors Services – KAB NSW’s sustainability education service for schools.
Discount on all tailored education programs, including adult community workshops or webinars, preschool, out of school hours and holiday programs (OOSH)

Branding Benefits
- Display your logo on our Membership page
- Use of KAB NSW logo & Member Tiles on your website, and email signature
- Use of Keep Australia Beautiful and “Do The Right Thing” logos
- Keep updated with relevant NSW Environmental News and share your community news in KAB NSW’s Quarterly Newsletter – THE BEAUT’
- Share your good news stories and updates via KAB NSW’s social pages @kab_nsw
- Share your newsworthy articles, profile, case studies, important links etc via KAB NSW’s website
Event Benefits
Celebrate sustainable achievements, network and learn with us.
- Member Discount on an unlimited number of council attendees to our Sustainability Awards:
- Tidy Cities Awards event
- Tidy Towns Awards weekend
- Member discount on tickets to our Litter Congress for an unlimited number of council attendees
- A complimentary copy of the annual Litter Congress Green Paper
- Top pre-sale opportunity of tickets for the Annual Premiers Dinner fundraising event

- Designed specifically for LGAs, the Local Government Litter Audit (LGLA) provides detailed litter data, littered brand data, audit and site clean-ups to enable individual LGAs to make more informed decisions about litter management in their communities.
For all membership enquiries, please contact Deborah Kelly.
Administration & Program Support