Through the support of our corporate partners, we’re able to keep working to protect our beautiful country.
Keep Australia Beautiful NSW (KAB NSW) enjoys the support of a range or corporate partners.
As well as brand extension, alignment, and media presence, KAB NSW can help establish strategic relationships with key decision makers who influence your sphere of business.
All partnerships are tailored to the individual needs of partners and utilise professional ingenuity along with the very latest innovative techniques to provide tangible benefits.
Below are just some of the benefits our partners are able to access:
- Branding and marketing opportunities across KAB NSW’s program, events and marketing channels
- Co-branding with one of Australia’s leading iconic brands
- Engagement with KAB NSW’s network of communities, schools, individuals, businesses and local governments
- Co-development of new programs and events to reach key markets
- Access to KAB NSW’s market research, knowledge and industry expertise
- Participation at our KAB NSW events and engagement programs
KAB NSW annually engages with NSW in the following ways:
- More than 25 Metropolitan Councils
- Over 70 Regional Councils
- Over 150 individual towns
- More than 250 schools and approximately 36,000 students
- Over 500 delegates
- More than 8,000 email contacts
- Over 4,500 social media followers
Return and Earn has partnered with Keep Australia Beautiful NSW’s programs for a number of years, to help inspire communities across NSW to continuously improve and protect our environment. Together we provide a platform to champion litter reduction and promote behavioural changes that empower individuals, schools and local government to make significant contributions to protecting our environment. Our values and objectives are well aligned, and we look forward to continuing this partnership into the future.
For all partnership enquiries, email